Insight Into the World of Asset Management and POS Tracking
A Comprehensive Guide to Being an Alcoholic Beverage Wholesaler
The alcoholic beverage distribution and wholesale business is a complex web of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. There are many ways to get your product into the hands of consumers, but it can be challenging to navigate the waters of a small business.
How to Maintain Compliance with POS Regulations in Beer Distribution
Point of Sale (POS) materials are a great way to advertise and promote products, particularly in the beer distribution industry. Unfortunately, these materials can quickly become outdated or obsolete, meaning they must be removed and replaced with new materials on a regular basis.
5 Ways to Improve In-Store Displays And Get New Customers
When you have a beverage store display, you want to make sure that you attract your visitor's attention. You need to use the space you have available to make sure that customers buy the beverage from you and not from your competitors.
The Return and New Life of the QR Code
If there is one technology above all others that have benefited from COVID-19, it must be the QR Code. Before the COVID-19 global pandemic, the QR code was an idea beloved by marketers… that failed to engage consumers.
Empower Sales with a Marketing Materials Warehouse Management System
Field sales teams are working harder than ever to gain consumers' attention in-store and persuade them to buy products. So why are companies making it even harder for them to do their jobs? In a recent survey of 800 DSD salespeople, their #1 frustration was not having access to the marketing materials they needed. When followed up, they said most of their frustration came from not knowing what was in stock or which items were most successful in increasing sales.
8 keys to a successful beverage store display promotion
Beverage store displays continue to be one of the most important ways to get potential customers’ attention and take market share from the competition. Using the available space in local stores can help you to increase your business and gain new customers.
5 Ways Marketing Asset Management Improves the Bottom Line!
When it comes to a business reaching its target audience, having a sound, effective, and efficient marketing strategy is crucial. Even if a business has the best product or service, creating sales and driving front-end revenue can be minimal without an effective marketing campaign. A business must create its own unique brand, and that brand identification must communicate the business identity, perceived customer value, and provide a solution to a “problem” that the consumer is having.
Data Collection for Off-Premise Alcohol and Beverage
In today’s adult beverage business space, the need for accurate and actionable off-premise data collection has never been more important. The producers, suppliers, and distributors of wine and spirits have requirements that are unique to their industry.
Tap Handle Loss Prevention 101
When it comes to beer, tap handles are a microcosm of the greater brand, and an essential marketing asset for brewers. For many small brewers, these could be the only form of marketing they can rely on. Incidentally, these small but important assets are rather expensive, so they are often stolen.
Covering My Assets
The protection of tangible assets has long been a driving force behind a myriad of industries in our modern economy. Not too long ago, when a product left the loading docks or distribution center, there was always a certain degree of uncertainty that the products will reach their intended destinations.
A Year in Review. The Dumpster fire, more commonly called 2020
2020 is a year that many will want to forget. From the global pandemic and US Presidential Elections to the postponing of sports and some cancellations, it is a year filled with many disappointments. But not everything about 2020 was a disappointment. The world saw the speed at which humans can push to develop new vaccines to save lives, and many have found a new love for their home they never knew before. In talking with EasyCheck clients, we wanted to know how good or bad the year was for them. We asked what they had learned from the year 2020 and how they can use that information to better themselves and their business going forward.
Your Mobile Data Collection Software Solution Folded? Don’t Panic.
I recently got a call from a concerned customer of a certain competing mobile data collection software solution that was recently acquired. This customer had spent over two years working with this provider to collect valuable information. Now, the distributor was forced to make significant concessions and risked losing all they’d built.
Lack of Compliance Management is Costing Distributors and Retailers More Than $634.1 Billion in Lost Sales
Many will hear the term "Compliance Management" and immediately think of a function completed by the legal department. In today's world, compliance management is no longer just for legal. While there are some things related to legal compliance, there are many more related to general distribution and retail operations you as a company needs to be aware of to be successful today.
How Analytics Empower POS Marketing Asset Management
Wherever you spend your money, big data isn’t far behind. The big data industry is projected to be worth $77 billion by 2023, and for good reason: a whopping 79% of enterprise executives say that not embracing big data puts companies at risk for extinction. Data and analytics are increasingly critical to your bottom line. But how exactly can do analytics turn into tangible dollars?
Understanding Utilization. Knowing what not to order next time
Imagine the following scenario. While running your daily operations, you maintain your inventory shelves neatly stocked. As is common practice, you order materials periodically from the same provider in hopes these sell-through.
Ensure Execution Perfection on your Next Marketing Rollout
Jim Collins states in his book Good to Great that execution is key to the success of any company. While you can have a great strategy, strategy alone will not overcome poor execution. He also talks about how the use of technology helps good companies to execute better. But note that technology will never save a company that is already in trouble. So how does this relate to the world of retail, distribution, and the business world we live in today?
Preventing Lost Sales by Tracking Your Out of Stocks (OOS)
How big of a problem are Out of Stocks? According to CNBC, retailers lost $634.1 Billion in 2015, and that number is continuing to grow every year. As of 2018, that number has grown up to be $984 Billion, according to IHL Group. So how prevalent is the issue? 1 in 3 shoppers finds at least one item out of stock when they go to the store.
EasyCheck cancels participation in WSWA Conference due to Coronavirus
EasyCheck has decided to cancel our participation in the WSWA Conference 2020 in Las Vegas due to numerous concerns related to the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. We have spent a considerable amount of time looking at options and feel this is the best option due to this outbreak's progression.
How To Increase Your Marketing Effectiveness In The Field
According to David Stokes, the owner of Grey Eagle Distributors in St. Louis, who was quoted in a recent article in the Wall St. Journal, “Wholesalers are wrestling with a decision right now.” He goes on to say “Do you continue to invest behind Bud Light and make a little bit less money right now to build for the long term, or do you cut costs to try to maintain the health of the bottom line?”
How Warehouse and Field Audits Create a Culture of Compliance
In the beverage distribution industry, it is widely understood that compliance to brand and legal standards is not only scarce, but also costly. These mistakes hamper your execution and often result in fines, losses, or outright damage to your gross sales profit. Nevertheless, software technologies can easily alleviate the gaping wounds by auditing your warehouses or field operations.