Insight Into the World of Asset Management and POS Tracking

Industry Insight Reagan Jobe Industry Insight Reagan Jobe

Mother's Day 2018 - $23.1 billion is up for grabs

Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away and according to the National Retail Federation 86% of Americans will spend over $23.1 Billion collectively on their mothers this holiday season. That comes out to over $180 per person. This spending is up almost 64% from only $14.1 Billion in 2009. Where are Americans’ spending their money this holiday season? A lot of places.

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Industry Insight Reagan Jobe Industry Insight Reagan Jobe

Mobile Data Collection and Sports - Its Madness

Seemingly everything that we eat, watch, purchase, listen to, or even think about is monitored, stored, evaluated, and used to “enhance” the quality of our lives. As Orwellian as it may sound, there is great value in the amount of information that is converted into metrics that allows our society to press ever-forward. That is especially true when it comes to sports!

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Reagan Jobe Reagan Jobe

EasyCheck heads to the NBWA

The EasyCheck team is excited to announce that we will be exhibiting at the National Beer Wholesales Association annual convention in Las Vegas, October 8-11th.

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