Mother's Day 2018 - $23.1 billion is up for grabs

$23.1 billion is up for grabs on Mother's Day 2018. How much are you going to get?

Mother's Day is less than two weeks away, and according to the National Retail Federation, 86% of Americans will spend over $23.1 billion collectively on their mothers this holiday season. That comes out to over $180 per person. This spending is up almost 64% from only $14.1 Billion in 2009. Where are Americans spending their money this holiday season? A lot of places.

Some key areas of Mother's Day spending

  • $4.6 billion on jewelry - purchased by 34% of shoppers

  • $4.4 billion on special meals such as dinner or brunch - purchased by 55% of shoppers

  • $2.6 billion on flowers - purchased by 69% of shoppers

  • $2.5 billion on gift cards - purchased by 45% of shoppers

  • $2.1 billion on clothing - purchased by 36% of shoppers

  • $2.1 billion on consumer electronics - purchased by 14% of shoppers

  • $1.8 billion on personal services such as spa packages - purchased by 24% of shoppers

  • $956 million on housewares/gardening tools - purchased by 19% of shoppers

  • $813 million on greeting cards - purchased by 77% of shoppers

  • $494 million on books or music - purchased by 19% of shoppers

Merchandising and Inventory for Sales

So how do you get in on this large spending spree? You have to have the goods, as they say. Ensure you have the right products on the shelves. When the shelves are empty, your potential customer becomes lost as they look for another outlet to spend their money. Like Christmas, there is a hard deadline, so last-minute shoppers won't wait for you to restock your shelves. For the week leading up to Mother's Day, you must conduct retail audits and ensure you have no out-of-stock on your shelves. It is also suggested that your field teams count your backstock so you can make arrangements to move inventory if necessary. Just because it sells in one store doesn't mean it's selling everywhere.

Be ready for your restaurant's closeup.

Mother's Day isn't just for the retail crowd anymore. Over 55% of shoppers will take their mother out for a special meal. And fancy sit-down restaurants aren't the only ones getting in on this spending. The Yum Brand's annual report states, "Mother's Day is traditionally the busiest day of the year for KFC restaurants." KFC has even gone so far as to write a "steamy romance book." In 2017, KFC released "Tender Wings of Desire." Make sure your restaurant is ready for a gathering meant for a queen by checking up on all your locations before the big day. Many of our customers have found creating a store profile for every location best. This store profile gives marketing and the head office a real-time perspective on what resources they have deployed in the field. Never get caught being unable to make the perfect impression on Mom.

Be ready to take down promotions.

Come Monday after Mother's Day, you will want to ensure your team is out in the field removing your promotional signage. EasyCheck gives you a great way to create these assignments based on your set date automatically, so everything is included. You have built your brand to look flawless to your customer, and excellent execution in the field is the only way to look perfect.


Be ready for Mother's Day by having your team get you the needed information. EasyCheck allows you to spot trends and correct issues before they affect your sales. Making an error using email, text messaging, and other communication channels can prove costly on holidays like Mother's Day. Be prepared; your company can take the lion's share of the profits.


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